George's Chiropractic Health Center

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Fun Facts Friday ~ Starfish

The Starfish – or Sea Star – may be one of the most beautiful creatures in the ocean.


They’re fascinating beings to only be a little larger than a teacup. Let’s check out some facts about the starfish you may not know.

1. They have no brain and no blood.

Starfish use filtered seawater to pump nutrients through their nervous system.

2. They can be really heavy.

At least for something of their small size, sea stars can weigh up to 11 pounds.

3. They have a lot of birthdays!

The average lifespan of a sea star is 35 years.

4. A Starfish is not a fish.

They’re actually related to sand dollars and sea urchins.

5. There are around 2,000 species of the sea star.

They live in cold and warm climates all over the world.

6. They usually have five arms.

There is a group of less common species that have more than five!

7. They cannot survive in freshwater.

All salt. All the time.

8. They can regenerate.

But it takes a while. It can take up to a year for a lost limb to grow back.

9. They eat inside out.

When they capture prey, they have tiny suction cups to grab ahold of their food. Then their stomach exits their mouth to digest the food, and reenters the body when they’re done eating.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

No Charge ~ No Obligation Initial Exam & Consultation

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

Dr Beth Risser



Article Credit: Awesome Ocean

Photo Credit: Pedro Lastra (Unsplash)

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I am sorry…

downloadCrabby mood lately?  Or know someone who is? Crabby mood always? Bad Day? Chiropractic can help.

In July 2017, the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research found that 76% of the patients undergoing chiropractic care reported an improvement in their mental/emotional health.

One of the major benefits of chiropractic care is improved mental/emotional health.

First of all, an obvious benefit of chiropractic that can contribute to better mood is decreased pain.

Beyond this, chiropractic positively influences the nervous system to help regulate mood. In this way, chiropractic also affects our body chemistry and aids the body in balancing and regulating mood-influencing hormones and neurotransmitters.

A patient’s response to chiropractic can include feeling more relaxed, calm, and able to sleep better.  On the flip side, patients also often feel more energized able to function both mentally and physically at a higher level when they need to be.

We hear so often from people that they just “feel so much better.” This is not just limited to physically, but mentally/emotionally as well! But remember…Chiropractic is not intended just to make you feel better but to HEAL better!

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

No Charge ~ No Obligation Initial Consultation & Exam

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

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Cranial Release Technique

An Explanation of the Cranial Release Technique

skull-on-white-backgroundThe bones of the head (cranium) should move in a rhythmic pattern throughout life.

This movement of the bones of the head is responsible for the proper function of the nervous system and for optimum health.

When the skull is distorted and this movement is disturbed, overall health and well-being suffer and pain or illness result.

Cranial Release Technique arose out of a new school of thought. CRT considers the cranium, and all of the many tissues affected by the cranium and nervous system, in the corrective approach.

The entire cranium is “Released” or restored to normal function with one process that feels like a “stretch” of the neck, but is really a release of the bones of the cranium.

This “Release” of the bones of the skull initiates a release of all of the tissues and structures associated with the cranium.

The “Global Release” provided by the Creal Release Technique has very far-reaching positive effects on overall body function.  This is due to the extent of tissues and structures involved.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

No Charge ~ No Obligation Initial Consultation & Exam

Lancaster – 717-569-5731




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Learning From Symptoms

There’s a lot we can learn from symptoms.  If you have been suffering from symptoms for any length of time.  I’m sure you are tired of the learning process.  However, the more you learn about them, the better you are able to make choices that get your body functioning at a higher level of health.


Lesson 1: Symptoms don’t always mean your body is broken                                             If you have ever had food poisoning, for example, you know that the symptoms are extremely unpleasant and can cause incredible discomfort.  When your body is working properly, it responds by violently eliminating the toxins as quickly as possible through the symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.  This is an example of symptoms that occur in a person whose body is working properly.

Fever is another example. The ideal temperature that bacteria enjoy 98.6°, which we all know is the “normal” body temperature.  However, when we are under a lot of stress, overexposed to toxins in the environment or bacteria, the body will cause the symptom of raising its temperature to fight off the infection.  This is another sign that the body is working the way it is supposed to.

Lesson 2: Symptoms can notify you of an area of your body that’s been injured            Injuries can occur in an area of the body that can cause you to “feel” it differently than normal.  Pain in your back, neck, arm or leg can indicate that you have been injured.  If the injury is not related to an underlying condition, like a cut or a bruise, the body’s self-healing, Innate Intelligence goes to work and within a few days or weeks, the symptoms usually disappear.

Lesson 3: Symptoms can notify you of an underlying condition, but not always             Waiting for symptoms to appear before taking care of yourself is not a good idea.  Underlying problems can range in severity and variety, and absolutely must be addressed whether there are symptoms present or not.

Lesson4: Treating symptoms with drugs or any other means can make you feel better while worsening the underlying cause                                                                             This is often true with people who take pain medication on an ongoing basis without addressing the cause of the pain.  Athletes who take shots so they can feel better for the game run the risk of doing more severe damage to the body.

Lesson 5: True health care is not about treating symptoms                                                   Webster’s defines health as “the condition of an organism with respect to the performance of its vital functions. “To be truly healthy, your focus should be primarily on how your body is functioning rather than just how it feels.  When you understand this approach, the health of your nervous system becomes your priority.

The purpose of your nervous system is to control and coordinate the function of every cell, tissue, and organ of your body, and adapt you to your environment.

Chiropractic examinations are essential to a healthy nervous system.  They can reveal underlying problems in your spine that can lead to all types of health problems.  Additionally, having good posture, getting plenty of rest, eating nourishing foods and exercising can also keep your nervous system healthy.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

No Charge ~ No Obligation Initial Exam & Consultation

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

Dr Beth Risser


Photo Credit: 100 Year Lifestyle


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How does the spine affect Innate Intelligence?


The chiropractic principle is almost too simple, which is partly why it’s taking so long for it to be understood and accepted. “What do the bones have to do with Innate Intelligence?” you might reasonably wonder.

As it turns out, our Innate Intelligence expresses itself largely through the nervous system, and that system is stretched over the body’s frame (the bones) like a spider web, or like the strings of a musical instrument.

Science has now confirmed that any distortion or restriction of our human frame can interfere with the nerves by disturbing their “tone” or “vibration,” in much the same way that the notes produced by plucking a guitar string are changed by altering its tension. Too much or too little, and we won’t be happy with the result.

The nervous system controls all of the organs and glands of the body, including the immune system, which determines how well we deal with colds, flu and other infections. Nerve root compression alters gene expression, which affects how likely we are to actually develop the conditions or diseases of our parents. In other words, we aren’t necessarily “doomed” to have the same problems they had – much of our future can be influenced by the choices we make in our own lives, including how we choose to care for our spines.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

No Charge ~ No Obligation Initial Exam & Consultation

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

Dr Beth Risser


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The Spinal Column ~ July 2017


JULY 2017


Have questions or want to learn more about chiropractic and your nervous system? Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors, or schedule you to come to the office for a complete consultation and exam.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

Lancaster – 717-569-5731 

Dr Beth Risser, Dr Greg Bedesem

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Innate In A Cup

SONY DSCScoop up a cup of water from the ocean and in that vessel you’ll have some ocean – not the actual ocean, but a part of the ocean, composed of the same physical, chemical and substantive properties. The same can be said for the intelligent force of Life within us and its relationship to a greater force that governs the cosmos.

The innate intelligence or ‘organizing wisdom’ within you is part of a greater intelligence that holds the entire universe in organized existence… you being the vessel in which it expresses itself. Your innate intelligence may not be THE entire intelligence of the universe, but instead a part of it… limited only by the matter through which it manifests. And this intelligent, inner power which holds YOU together has one purpose – to sustain your existence on the planet.

So think about it. If you INDEED possess a portion of the same intelligence that gives stars their glow, planets their orbit and flowers their scent, why would you put your faith in an inanimate pill or potion to manage your health? Maybe because you don’t realize the Power you have in your ‘tea cup.’ The most important job we have as Chiropractors, is to show you what you are innately made of – and to teach you how to safeguard it. Do you trust the power you have within to heal you?


Have questions or want to learn more about chiropractic and your nervous system? Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors, or schedule you to come to the office for a complete consultation and exam.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

Dr Beth Risser

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The Doctor Of The Future


“The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and the cause and prevention of disease.”

Thomas Edison



What does that mean?


It means that the day will come when people will realize that medicine has detrimental effects and that medicine covers up the symptoms and pain rather than correct the cause of the problem.


The body’s lifeline is the brain and the nervous system which is protected by the spinal column—the human frame.  The spinal cord carries all the information that is being sent from your brain to the rest of your body.  Thus your spine is protecting the most important part of your body and of your life.  If the spine is compromised, so will your health and your life.


Diet is important because you need to give it adequate nutrition it needs in order to function properly. The food you eat is the fuel source for the body.  If you put junk in, you will not get the performance you expect, just as you wouldn’t from a car.


Prevention– why wait for a problem to show up before you take care of your body?  Take care of yourself if you lose your health, you lose everything and most of the time you can’t get it back to the peak that it was before.


The Future is Now!


Have questions or want to learn more about chiropractic and your nervous system? Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors or schedule you to come to the office for a complete consultation and exam.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

Lancaster – 717-569-5731 

Dr Beth Risser

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The Spinal Column ~ June 2017

Happy Fathers Day

JUNE 2017

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back

nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light

whose love shows us the way.


Have questions or want to learn more about chiropractic and your nervous system? Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors or schedule you to come to the office for a complete consultation and exam.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

Lancaster – 717-569-5731 

Dr Beth Risser

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It’s The Little Things That Add Up

PRC-217 big

Cleaning, carrying the children, desk work, shopping, it’s all the little things that add up to needing an adjustment!  It’s important to be checked regularly for misalignments.


Have questions or want to learn more about chiropractic and your nervous system? Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors or schedule you to come to the office for a complete consultation and exam.

Lancaster Chiropractors who are keeping you connected through chiropractic!

Lancaster – 717-569-5731

Dr Beth Risser